Macedonian Political Highlights

Тања Каракамишева

Кога претседател на Собрание се избира на скали без записник и со спорен број на гласови, кога вториот мандатар за состав на влада се утврдува врз основа на ТОЛКУВАЊЕ на Устав, а не согласно Устав, бидејќи според Уставот НЕМА ВТОР МАНДАТАР, кога претседател на Република бара ГАРАНЦИИ??? што после никој не знае како да ги активира, кога одлука за самораспуштање на Собрание се третира како тоалетна хартија, па ако затреба

 Stabbing the FIFA vice-president

Ahmad Ahmad, the boss of African football, who has launched many reforms to fight corruption, has become the man to be brought down. “You should always be careful of your right arm because it is often he who wields the lethal weapon behind your back. ”Ahmad Ahmad should have made this old Ottoman proverb his own. The President of the African Football Confederation (CAF) could have avoided the twisted blows


Sri Lankan police have arrested a Wahhabi preacher, Mohamed Saudi Arabia was informed in advance of the attacks in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan police have arrested a Wahhabi preacher, Mohamed Aliyar, director of the Islamic Guidance Centre in Kattankudy, an eastern city with a Muslim majority. He is reportedly linked to Zahran Hashim, the head of Daesh’s Easter operation, which killed nearly 270 people and injured more than 500. The

Umberto Pascali

  The right moment to drop Bolton…  Trump made clear he does not want a war with Iran. Unfortunately the Deep State gang both in the Democrat and in the Republican Party -NeoCons and NeoLibs – want the war. Will there be now the formation of a counter coalition -Democrats and Republicans- who will be openly working together against the war? Will this new geometry be the base for the

Michel Platini v.s. Saudi Arabia

Michel Platini victim of a Saudi plot Saudi Arabia is taking advantage of the suspension of the former UEFA president to make a strong transition into the world of football. And this is no coincidence. Exclusive investigation… In ancient Rome, Judge Lucius Cassius, renowned for his honesty and wisdom, was constantly wondering before making a decision: “Cui Bono”, “Who benefits? ». The famous formula has not aged a bit. It

Greek fashizam

The key prove that the UN and NATO were founded only to protect Greece and Israel. Over 500 ethnic Macedonian girls and women (civilians) in the so called “Greek Macedonia” were raped and then half of them executed by Greek army troops backed by England & the USA during the Greek civil war 1946 -1949. These women and girls sent hundreds of appeals to the United Nations asking the UN


Respected representatives of the international community in Macedonia, Representatives of international organizations EU, NATO Republic of Macedonia is one week before the vote on the referendum for acceptance of the bilateral agreement that regulates change of the country’s constitutionally prescribed name, but also provides entry point for Greece to interpret Macedonian history, culture and use of its language (art. 7 and 8). This referendum is not on the admission of


9/11 AND THE EMIRATES – THE SHOCKING REVELATION   Thliban/Al Oaeda – 9/11 Attack   THE September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group AL-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2OOl. The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of


I am beginning broadcasting the mini-series where direct participants will talk about the atrocities of the organizers of the “colorful” revolution in Kiev. And it will not be spoken by “ordinary” participants, but mercenaries, paid murderers and snipers, who were engaged by Nuland, Klitschko, Shakashfili, the “deep state”, foreign ministers of the interested countries. Witnesses are represented by name, surname, rank, and character. Not hidden, tinted or similar. This is